Do you buy local in your business? When you’re looking for a metal manufacturing fabricator for your next project do you look to oversees manufacturers or one in your home country?
Here are 4 reasons to hire a Canadian- or North American-based metal manufacturer:
- Save on Tariffs: Tariffs and import/export fees from overseas manufacturers can significantly add to your project costs. You could save 10-25% or more by having your sheet metal manufactured part created in Canada or the US.
- Save on shipping costs & time: Shipping oversees can be costly! Having it shipped within Canada or the US is not only more cost-efficient, but you could potentially get delivery faster as there will be fewer customs hoops and regulation requirements
- Support local communities: Buying from your local manufacturer helps stimulate your local economy and support local families.
- Boost your perceived value: The value of what you are manufacturing can increase when your customers know the parts are made in Canada or the US. So many people nowadays want to support local and are looking for businesses that support local as well.
Ordering your sheet metal manufactured parts from a Canadian company really means you save money, save time, and boost your company’s image because your clients will be happy to know that you too are a supporting local.
If you are looking for a Canadian manufacturer of precision sheet metal and machined components for your next project, talk to us! We’re based in Richmond, BC (Canada), and can handle all your fabrication, machining, finishing, plating, painting, silk screening, assembly and quality control for our customers resulting in quicker delivery and lower costs.
Request more information or request for a quotation today and we’ll get back to you within 24-hours or less!